Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Witch - Good or Evil?

Traditionally a witch would be considered by many as being evil as that is how they are portrayed in many religions. Pagans who practice the evils arts using blood sacrifice and possession to cast their spells. This is how many religions wish us to classify witches and witchcraft as a whole and just calling yourself a witch was enough to be termed a heretic in many faiths.

We have several television shows and movies that portray witches as being good. The most popular being the Harry Potter movies and books and shows like Charmed. These depict witchcraft as being good and not evil but they are purely fiction with no real basis in reality.

So on one hand we have our religions calling witches evil and on the other we have Hollywood and other media telling us they are good. This all helps to feed our curiosity about all things occult and makes us believers in witches as a whole.

Witches themselves, whether they are traditional or modern, will tell you that they are neutral and the person who casts the spell determines it's use for good or evil. They do not believe in Satan and they have their own rules which tell them that they can not use their skills to harm others.

A witch is often thought of as being an old hag which helps to create the illusion of evil and yet witches are just as likely to be male as female. During the history of witchcraft there have always been both male and female practitioners.

Witchcraft is commonly associated with the use of herbs and potions for healing which is considered good. On the other hand witches are also often supposed to be involved with possession which would be considered evil. This places the witches own description of being neutral as more likely as it would be the person who decides good or evil intent.

A witch decides good or evil by their actions and is subject to the threefold rule. They receive back whatever they sow threefold, so practicing evil would be a little against their belief structure as it would harm the witch more than the target of the spell.

More information on Witchcraft can be found at Witchcraft Reviews.

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