Saturday, December 19, 2009

What is Witchcraft and is Witchcraft Real?

Two questions but it is necessary to understand what witchcraft is before forming an opinion on whether witchcraft is real or not. In order to discover what witchcraft is we need to strip away the hype generated by the likes of Hollywood and the entertainment industry in general. Witchcraft does not resemble the commonly portrayed television series such as Bewitched or Charmed, or the blockbuster movies such as Harry Potter. These are just creations of their respective writers and glamorized by the big studios for entertainment value.

Witchcraft itself was originally a way of life practiced over many centuries and not really thought of as witchcraft until the Middle Ages when the Catholic church turned its attention towards Pagan practices. There are quite a few variations of belief systems that were practiced and are now collectively labeled as witchcraft. Some of the more commonly known would be Druidism, Herbalism, and Spiritualism but there are many more. Of themselves the practice of any of them does not make someone a witch as that determination is made by the practitioner. This made little difference to the Catholic church and all such practices were seen as heresy and resulted in the persecution of witches.

Today witchcraft is thought of as a Pagan religion which makes it as legitimate a religion as any other. The more modern variation of Traditional witchcraft, Wicca witchcraft, is far more open and regimented than the older practices and has gained a large following in the western world. Like any religion it is a way of life which is practiced by its members which gather in covens rather than a congregation. The result is the same no matter what terms are used as these groups worship their own particular belief structure.

Understanding what witchcraft is allows for a determination for the second question posed in the article title. As a religion it is as real as any other which means that if you believe it to be real then it is. More information on Witchcraft can be found at Witchcraft Reviews.

Article Source: What is Witchcraft and is Witchcraft Real? - Ezine Article

Witchcraft - Is it Real?

There are any number of articles, books, and magazines that have asked whether witchcraft is real or just a myth, but a large number of such publications have a tendency to direct their thoughts towards magic and spells rather than looking into what witchcraft really is. In order to understand witchcraft it is necessary to examine the beliefs and history behind it.

Witchcraft is a Pagan religion meaning that it does not follow the three main religious paths of Judaism, Islam, or Christianity. The fundamental belief of witchcraft is the worship of nature often seen through ceremonies involving the seasons, moon, and sun. This does not mean that ancient civilizations which worshiped the sun, for instance, followed witchcraft. We are all aware that the Egyptians revered the sun as a God called Ra but this did not make them witches, merely a Pagan society as we would explain it today.

Ancient civilizations that worshiped nature would not see themselves as Pagan as it was just the way of life for them at the time. Paganism is a relatively modern concept. We tend to look back through history with eyes clouded by our modern religions which are not really that old. Our ancestors worshiped many different things long before organized religion surfaced and some of their practices have been linked to witchcraft because of their focus on nature.

Witchcraft is classified today as a Pagan religion which means that it is has a belief system which is followed by its practitioners much like any other religion in the world. The more traditional forms of witchcraft do not adhere to any type of strict code but more modern variations, such as Wicca, have evolved into what we would call a more regimented form of religious practice. The fact that witchcraft is now seen as a form of religion makes it as real as any other belief system. Christians believe in Christianity and witches believe in witchcraft, both are equally viable as a religion as their practitioners believe them to be true.

Magic and spells are a topic unto themselves and our perception of them has been altered by the likes of Hollywood to such an extent that it is harder to explain. More information on Witchcraft can be found at Witchcraft Reviews, the more complex nature of magic, and its existence will need to be discussed in other articles.

Article Source: Witchcraft - Is it Real? - Ezine Article

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Books On Witchcraft - Where To Look

Like any old practice or way of life, witchcraft has been around for centuries in its more modern forms, which means that there are a huge amount and variety of books on witchcraft. Libraries and book stores carry a large variety of titles by an equally large number of authors. Online outlets, such as amazon, also stock many different books on witchcraft, including some of the rarer titles.

The majority of outlets or libraries will carry books on folklore and mythology as well as the most popular type of witchcraft books, fantasy fiction. Most fiction books have very little to do with the actual practice of witchcraft and are simply tales designed to captivate a reader in a tale or story. The actual practice of witchcraft does not entail riding broomsticks or waving a magic wand around.

Traditional witchcraft books are not very common as this type of witchcraft is taught and learned on a one to one basis or by solo practitioners. You can find books on some aspects of this craft including those covering herbalism. This is an old craft but it is also practiced by modern day medicine which has opened it up and made such books more common. Books containing spell craft or potion making are still very rare though and such literature is often limited and costly.

Modern day witchcraft, often referred to as Wicca, is a more open practice and there are a number of titles that discuss the religion more openly. The book of shadows, a more modern take on traditional witchcraft and its book of spells known as a Grimoire, are available and do cover spells and magic.

The purchase of books on witchcraft is increasingly prevalent from online sources such as amazon where discounts are often available. There are also titles specifically made for online retail that are available as downloadable files that can be purchased quickly and securely.

More information on Witchcraft can be found at Witchcraft Reviews.>

Article Source:

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Is Witchcraft Real

Is Witchcraft Real? The answer is open to debate and very much depends on the individuals point of view. Witchcraft as a way of life or religion is as real as any other belief system, but if the question is asking about witchcraft with relation to magic that is an entirely different situation.

Cave paintings can date witchcraft as a way of life back as far as forty thousand years, with pictures depicting the worship of nature often evident. Witchcraft is closely tied to nature which is why this type of historical finding is associated with it. This makes witchcraft one of the oldest religions in the world.

Other religions make frequent references to witchcraft, particlualry parts of the Christian faith, which persecuted witches during the Middle Ages. Clearly these people believed in witches and witchcraft enough to see them as a threat worth irradicating. The practice of witchcraft was linked with heresy during this time to justify the many witch hunts of the period, which resulted in the deaths of tens of thousands of mostly innnocent people.

The magic or spells associated with witchcraft are also very much down to belief in most cases. Christianity, as an example, classes this type of unknown as a miracle, which is just another term for magic. The changing of water into wine by Christ is a miracle to a Christian, but to those who do not follow the same religion it can be viewed as a spell or illusion.

The majority of Traditional Witches dating back to before the Middle Ages were often the village healers and frequently used various herbs and plants for medicinal uses. The fact that various potions and paultices actually did heal branded them as witches purely because that was the way to class such practices. Modern day herbalists are not classed as witches but as practitioners of medicine.

There were suspect activities practiced by witches but these activites were not necessarily unusual for the time period. Sacrifices and demonic worship are often associated with witchcraft but there is no actual proof that they are linked. Modern day witches deny any such practices and there is evidence that these practices were merely linked to assist with other religions persecution of witchcraft.

Dancing around a tree or gathering in a stone circle at various times of the year or during full moons is seen today as acting strangely. Perceptions change. This is how religion was practiced by people in those times and was a way of life to them. Going to church on sundays could just as easily be seen as strange in three hundred years time, but today it is seen as a normal religious practice.

More information on Witchcraft can be found at Witchcraft Reviews.

Article Source:

Friday, October 2, 2009

What is a Pagan and Paganism

What is a Pagan? There is no straight forward answer as it has several different meanings depending on the context in which it is used. The most widely accepted definitions of both Pagan and Paganism derive from the Latin word paganus meaning "rustic', "of the country" or "rural". Even this is not considered the only definition of a Pagan as it can be considered a skunk word, which means that it has a different meaning to different people.

The most common usage is associated with any religion that is non-Abrahamic. Neither Christian, Muslim or Jew. That would make roughly 45% of the world's population Pagans. Needless to say those 45% are not likely to class themselves as Pagans although some would.

The term Pagan is also used in a derogatory fashion. People to hate or unbelievers. The main religions of the world have frequent references to unbelievers within their religious scripts, more commonly referred to as a heathen. Since the seventeenth century heathen has oftentimes been replaced by Pagan.

To Pagans it simply means those who practice a nature based religion. Neopagans are newer religions tracing their beginnings to the 20th century, but their roots much farther back, and they do refer to themselves as Pagans. Druids, Witches and Wiccans are some examples of the followers of Neopaganism.

Christianity has also been seen as Pagan by other Abrahamic religions and between different Christian religions. These accusations come largely from the practice of christianization which adopts others beliefs into Christianity. This is seen by the practice of celebrating Pagan feasts such as halloween or easter.

As you can see, answering a simple question such as What is a Pagan? is actually far from being easy as it has diverse meanings throughout the world.

More information on Witchcraft can be found at Witchcraft Reviews.>

Article Source: What is a Pagan and Paganism - Ezine Article

Book of Spells

What is a book of spells? In most peoples mind it is a magician, sorcerer or witches spell book. This is somewhat true, but only in recent history, as it is a much newer concept than one would believe. This type of book only really began to become common in the twentieth century as newer types of Paganism began to emerge.

In ancient times and up until the Middle Ages practitioners of the magic arts were almost all illiterate as was the majority of the population. You cannot really make a book of spells if you are unable to write. When the world, and Europe in particular, began to learn to put pen to paper this still did not result in witches suddenly deciding to make books to hand down to their descendants.

Why? Because the magical arts were extremely secretive as they had largely been driven underground due to persecution. The Inquisition is most commonly associated with such behavior. It was not until the twentieth century that Pagan religions began to feel safe again and books of spells began to emerge. The introduction of Wicca witchcraft in the middle of the twentieth century is often attributed with beginning this practice.

Wicca does not call their book of spells by that name though. They use the term Book of Shadows and within it they write spells and other things learnt throughout their lives. Traditional witches on the other hand do not all observe the same practice. Some do write down spells and other things important to them but they call their book of spells a Grimoire.

More information on Witchcraft can be found at Witchcraft Reviews.

Article Source: Book of Spells - Ezine Article

Love Spells, How do They Work?

How do love spells work? Simple really. You gather some herbs, light a candle, close your eyes and will the person you have a crush on to love you. Witches do it this way so it must be true, right? If you believe that then you need to stop thinking Harry Potter or Charmed are real.

Depending on what you read and believe then casting any spell can be done with nothing but inner power, and maybe a candle for focus. Traditional witchcraft is not generally into all the glorified type of stuff that you see on the big screen. Clean and simple is the way to go.

More modern witchcraft becomes a little more involved as the newer types of pagan like a little more ceremony. Still nothing too ornate but they have slightly differing beliefs, which is perfectly fine, it is their religion after all.

Whichever way you want to follow then the actual power for a love spell comes from within. How you focus that power is really all that changes. There is one thing that any witch, old or modern, will unhesitatingly tell you though.

Do not cast a spell on someone. They have rules and altering anyone's state of mind is taboo. So how do you find the one you love? Casting a love spell is perfectly fine but you do not direct it at someone, you instead phrase the spell in such a way as it brings the person who you will truly love to you. It might not be the one you currently wish to love you but it should bring the one who you will love. In this way you do not alter anyone else, either physically or mentally.

More information on Witchcraft can be found at Witchcraft Reviews.

Article Source: Love Spells, How do They Work? - Ezine Article