Sunday, September 27, 2009

Is Witchcraft Real

Is Witchcraft Real? The answer depends on your own beliefs and that of others, as well as what you mean by Witchcraft.

Witchcraft is very real as a Religion. It has been practiced for many centuries and it's roots can be traced back as far as forty thousand years. Ancient cave paintings point to our ancestors believing in the power of Nature which is the fundamental focus of Witchcraft. This makes Witchcraft one of the oldest known belief systems.

So is witchcraft real? As a Religion or system of beliefs the answer would be yes. Witchcraft is just as viable as any Religion, be it Christianity, Muslim, Judaism or any other.

If you mean Witchcraft with respect to magic and spells that is an entirely different matter. Forget Harry Potter or Charmed, these are purely fiction and have absolutely no link to any real witch or the craft they pursue. Fun to watch maybe but products of the human imagination.

You could also say that magic and spells as a whole are also pure imagination. There are plenty of references in Religious books to spells and magic though, and there is no smoke without fire. Witches do believe in magic and will cast spells depending on their particular path.

As an example: being Wiccan does not necessarily mean you cast magic spells. Wicca is a newer form of Witchcraft and some practitioners do use magic and some don't. On the other hand all Traditional witches do use magic. Again it is down to who and what you believe.

Do you believe that Christ turned water into wine? If the answer is yes, then you should have no difficulty believing in magic. This was a miracle you say. Only because you believe it to be so. It could just as easily be fiction, a simple magic illusion or a form of spell craft.

More information on Witchcraft can be found at Witchcraft Reviews. The key is belief.

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